P.I.G.E.& ON
Pluralism, Integration, Genius in Europe & on-line
A cultural magazine by French, Italian and Spanish students linked by eTwinning
The students of class Première L of Lycée D’Arsonval Saint Maur des Fossés (France), some students from different levels of I.E.S. “Jiménez de la Espada” from Cartagena, Murcia (Spain) and 4B students of Maria Lazzari Dolo (Italy) have worked on this cultural magazine together with the following teachers: Anne-Laure De Lord (French teacher of English),
Flora Lorente González and Inmaculada Saorín Pérez (Spanish teachers of English), José Luiz Palazón Martinez (Spanish teacher of history), Antonella Ciriello (Italian teacher of French and eTwinning consultant), Laura Modonese and Antonella Novello (Italian teachers of English), Anna Simonato (Italian teacher of Spanish). Editors: Luca Marzaro and Adam Veggo of class 4Bsia of Maria Lazzari.
The magazine is the outcome of the Etwinning project “A Venetian Story of Abuse, Mercy and Law” carried out from December 2017 to February 2018 by the three groups of students with the above-mentioned teachers. Margherita Siani, teacher of Italian and History of class 4B of Maria Lazzari-Dolo has also contributed to the first step of the project.